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Talking to Mormons is a source for anyone wanting to learn more about Mormonism and Christianity.

Why isn’t the age of eight, mentioned in the Book of Mormon as a minimum age for baptizing children? Why would Nephite Christians in AD 400 be worshipping in Jewish synagogues? How did Mormon quote the apostle Paul when they lived on opposite sides of the world?

Danny's story

Danny use to be a Mormon High Priest, and had the responsibility to instruct and prepare young men and women for their future missions.  He served a full-time Mormon mission as a young adult. At the time he truly believed that the LDS Church was the true church.

Having been an active Mormon for sixty years, Danny is fully aware of the heart and mind of those who are convinced the gospel of Joseph Smith is true.  Fortunately through scripture study, prayer, and the Holy Spirit, God opened his eyes and understanding, and brought him into a loving, saving, relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ.

Danny now receive inquiries from Christians around the world who request information about the methods and teachings of these Mormon missionaries.  He also talks to Mormons, who themselves are looking for answers to questions and concerns about their LDS doctrines and practices.  Many Mormons would identify themselves as Christians, but don’t really understand the difference.

It is because the demand for this information is so great, Danny decided to initiate a project never before attempted in this format; entitled – Talking To Mormons. 

What does the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Teach?


"It originated from an experience I had a couple of years go, when two Mormon missionaries paid a visit to my home. They came with the intention of encouraging me to return to activity in the LDS Church. As I turned their attention to the Bible for the reasons I found Mormonism to be different from the gospel of Jesus Christ, they were amazed at what they read and learned. Within the same week they returned to my home unannounced to ask me to teach them more. I was spiritually touched and overwhelmed by the honesty and humility they showed in their sincere desire to know truth. It made me realize that these respectful and open conversations between Christians and Mormons are quite possible."

Ephesians 2 – Part 2 – Obedience to the Laws and Ordinances or Grace?
The Apostle Paul taught that we are saved by grace – it is the gift of God not of works. Nephi taught that we are saved AFTER all we can do. Joseph Smith taught that we are saved by obedience to laws and ordinances. Either Paul was right, or Nephi and Joseph were right. Only the Bible makes the truth clear for us.
Romans 9-16
This is not a simple acknowledging that He is God. This is a deep personal conviction that Jesus is our Lord. It includes repenting, trusting, and submitting to Him as Lord.
Polygamy – Part 2
After receiving a revelation commanding him to practice plural marriage, Joseph Smith married multiple wives and introduced the practice to close associates. This principle was among the most challenging aspects of the Restoration.
2 Nephi 26-30
Why would a book claiming to be scripture want to be associated with having a “familiar spirit”???? Is Jesus Christ – Eternal God???? How reliable is the Bible? Why was the word “white” changed to “pure” in referencing the righteous Lamanites???? We will answer these questions and more in this lesson.
Polygamy – Part 1
God never commanded polygamy in the Bible. God emphasized monogamy in marriage. God commanded men not to have multiple wives.
Joseph Smith Translation – Matthew 1; Matthew 25; Mark 12-13; Luke 21
Will you and I be prepared someday to meet the Lord? The ONLY marriage extolled or celebrated in the New Testament is the spiritual marriage of the believer to Christ. See 2 Corinthians 11:2 and Revelation 21:2. Jesus didn’t view marriage as something that would extend into the next life.
Keeping the Sabbath?
Find out how Sabbath-keeping is a matter of spiritual freedom – not a command from God.
Romans 4-6 – Come Follow Me