Eternal Families – Part 1

If Families are essential in Heaven, as taught by the LDS, then how did Jesus become exalted as God in the Mormon “preexistence” without being married?

What Jesus and Paul taught about marriage in the resurrection:

Matthew 22:23-30;  Mark 12:24-25;  Luke 20:34-36;  Romans 7:2-3

Our relationship with God has priority over our relationship with spouse and family:  Matthew 10:34-39;  Mark 10:29-30;  Luke 14:26

Christians as the body of Christ look forward to being married and sealed to the Lamb of God:

Matthew 25:1;  Romans 7:4;  2 Corinthians 11:2;  Revelation 19:6-9

Latter-day Saints believe that because families are ordained of God, they are the most important social unit in time and in eternity. Article

If Families are essential in Heaven, as taught by the LDS, then how did Jesus become exalted as God in the Mormon “preexistence” without being married?

Some LDS leaders believe that Jesus was likely married while here on earth.

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Because Jesus was God, the Bible does not teach that Jesus was ever married while here on earth.

John 1:114.

When the Sadducess asked about marriage in the resurrection, Jesus taught them in  Matthew 22:23-30  and said with certainty:  “… in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage.”

LDS teach that in  Matthew 16:19  the Lord gave the keys of the kingdom to Peter and the other Apostles. LDS teach that these keys are the authority to bind and seal husband and wife and families together forever. Article

The bible teaches that the authority Jesus gave to his disciples was meant to bind and seal upon people the forgiveness of sins and entrance into Heaven.  It had absolutely nothing to do with the sealing of marriages and families.

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